Landscaping Task Force

As part of our efforts to be good stewards of resources and the land that our church property occupies, we have have created a task force to evaluate the short and long term changes that we can make with our outdoor green space.

We are viewing this issue from three critical lenses:

  1. Budgetary - how can we save financial resources by making changes to our property.

  2. Environmental- how can we be an example to our community and other churches in being good stewards of our green space and aware of our environmental impact.

  3. Theological- caring for the earth is an expression of our faith and way that we can partner with holiness to make the world a better place.

Currently, there are two workgroups that are exploring the following issues:

  1. Changing our green space to include more Xeriscaping that does not require as much watering or lawn care.

  2. Determining what repairs and changes we can make to our current irrigation system.

Each of these groups will meet in February to research and create plans. If you are interested in joining these discussions, please connect with Christie Love and she will help you get connected to the workgroup that you are most interested in.

The next meeting of this task force will be on Sunday, March 16th at Noon immediately following service in the Fireside Room.

Resources to Explore

Here are some resources that you might to explore about EcoTheology and how caring for the world is an expression of our faith.

Here is a podcast from Flipped Table Theology about Environmental Justice

Here are some books that our task force has talked about: