
Because Jesus was intentional about including those who were pushed to the edges of society and not considered equal, we are intentional about becoming an inclusive community, challenging ourselves to welcome those who push us beyond our comfort zone. We celebrate ethnic, cultural, social, and theological diversity.

Spiritual Life 

With the Holy Spirit leading us, we deepen our spiritual life together. All that we do as a congregation is grounded in the light of scripture and prayer. Meaningful worship that engages our hearts and minds through the spoken word, song, silence, sacraments, and the visual arts is foundational to our being the Body of Christ together. Small groups and personal prayer/devotional life is encouraged for all.

Theological Reflection 

We are a congregation that encourages theological reflection and discussion. Through serious faith refection we seek to shed light on contemporary life issues and how Christ calls us to live. These discussions respect and celebrate the diversity of thought that our members bring to faith. We are challenged to grow as we continue our faith journey.

Justice and Peace 

God’s love and mercy are shown to the world through acts of justice and peace. We work at gaining understanding of those who are different from us. By lending a helping hand where possible, we act to oppose oppression of any of God’s children. We stand for peace in our homes and schools, in our community, and in the world.

Sharing Our Faith 

We have a passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we encourage all, individually and collectively, to find ways in which to share their faith. By living as Christians, we demonstrate our faith to others. We encourage each other to grow in faith by sharing often about God working in our lives and in our church, so that the Realm of God may be expressed on earth.

Missional Church 

The church shines when we move outside our own walls and become the hands and feet of Christ. With scripture as the lamp to light our path, our worship, study, and prayer life lead us to emulate Christ by expressing compassion through word and deed. We deliberately find ways to engage in ministry in our community. For this we believe: In Jesus of Nazareth, God calls all people to fullness of life now.