About Our Wide Welcome Initiative

This effort is a five-year focus to work on developing Englewood’s welcome-wide as an authentic faith community. This effort will begin in 2025.

In that time, we will be intentional in the areas of:

  1. Becoming an Open and Affirming Congregation through the Disciples of Christ.

  2. Being aware of and confronting our internal biases and areas of privilege.

  3. Having honest conversations to confront racism in our community, region, and nation.

  4. Becoming more bi-lingual in our communications and activities.

  5. Deepening our involvement and connection with our community and our neighbors.

On January 12, 2025 our Pastor Christie Love formally introduced our Wide Welcome Initiative and our entire service that day centered on our intentional efforts to expand and extend our welcome. We invite you to watch this service to understand the heart behind our efforts in this area. You may need to advance the recording to the 4:00 minute mark to get back the scrolling announcements to the start of the service.

Our Upcoming Learning Events as part of the Wide Welcome Initiative are:

In January we will be showing the documentary film 1946 twice during the month. The first showing will be on Sunday 1/19/25 at 1:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. The second showing will be Wednesday 1/29/25 at 6:30 PM in the Fireside room. There will be a time of discussion following each showing.

On February 16th at 1:00 PM we will be hosting a pronoun panel in the sanctuary after our coffee hour. This will be a time to hear from individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community on what pronouns are, why they matter, and how respecting them with one another is a form of love and hospitality.

If you have questions about these events or would like to help plan future events, please connect with Christie Love