12/1/24 Announcements

Hello everyone,  

Happy start of the holiday season to each of you! We had a beautiful first Sunday of Advent here at Englewood today as we talked about Daring to Hope. Our livestream was working again this week so if you were not able to join us in person, you can watch this week’s service on our YouTube channel using this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BnYl7DJozc 

Joys and Concerns 

I shared during service that during Advent, we would be sharing Joys and Concerns differently. We have placed papers in the pew backs so that people can write their joys and concerns down and drop them in the offering basket during communion. I will then share them here in our weekly email each week. Here are the Joys and Concerns that were shared today:  

  • Pray for Emily and Amy as they navigate a difficult time.  

  • Pray for Anne Preacher and Family as she fights ovarian cancer.  

  • Pray for the friends and family of Kelly Penfold who passed away suddenly this week. Kelly was a strong advocate for the unsheltered in our community and served on the board of Justice Housing Yakima.   

  • Pray for those that are traveling this holiday season.  


Christmas Projects to be aware of:  

  1. We had a table set up in the Narthex with bags for our Advent project. We have a calendar that suggests one item to add to the bag a day and at the end of Advent, you can bring it to the church, and we will deliver them to the Yakima School District’s outreach closet. Here is the list of items that we are collecting if you would like to join us and were not here to get a bag and calendar today:  



2. We are still selling packages of Christmas Cards made by After School Arts in the Narthex. Their artwork will also be featured on the cover of our worship bulletins this Advent season. Cards can be purchased online or in the church office. All proceeds go to support our free after school art program on Tuesday afternoons.  


3. We have a bulletin board set up next to the Fellowship Hall that listed the items that were requested by the two families that we are adopting for the holidays from Garfield Elementary School. The tags that still need to be claimed are:  

  • A Scooter with a Helmet for an 8-year-old. 

  • An remote controlled airplane with batteries for a 5th grader 

  • A punching bag for a 5-year-old.  

If you would like to get one of these gifts for the families that we are providing gifts for, please reach out to Carolyn by email.  

4. We have also set up an Honorarium/Memorial Tree in the Narthex. Nametags can be purchased for a donation of any size in honor of or in memory of someone who was special to you. All donations from these tags will be used to purchase a grocery gift card for one of the families we have that mostly asked for help with food for the holidays.  


5. There is a sign up for the Camp Hope December Meal on the Welcome Desk. You can swing by the church to sign up to bring items or email the office if you can help with any of the needs below and we can update the sign-up sheet.  



Finally, we will have a congregational meeting on Sunday December 15th immediately after service to vote to approve the new 2025 budget and the nominations for church leaders for the new year. The list of nominees is listed in our December newsletter. You can view our newsletter online here or pick up a printed copy in the church office.  

Be sure to check out our Upcoming Events calendar on our website, including Religious Trauma Support group this Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM in the Fireside Room.  


As always, if you need anything this week, please reach out!  



12/8/24 Announcements


11/24/24 Announcements