12/8/24 Announcements
We honored week two of Advent today by exploring the theme of peace together. A big thank you to Tom Gualke for the beautiful song that he sang today following the sermon. If you were not able to join us in person today, you can watch the recording of our service online at this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/H2A5-x0Uu0g However, the sound does not start until the 33-minute mark. We are working to address our recording and streaming quality issues.
The Announcements that we shared today were:
We will have a Congregational Meeting Next week 12/15 immediately following service. This will be to approve next year’s budget and elect new leaders. The details of these items were in your newsletter. Newsletters are available at the welcome desk or on our website.
Next Sunday, the 15th is a busy day as it also the day that we Christmas Carol to our homebound members at 3 PM and we will be hosting the Canticus Christmas Concert at 4 PM. You can sign up for Christmas caroling and other upcoming holiday events at the Welcome Desk in the Narthex or on our website.
Coffee and Questions meets this Wednesday night at 6:30 PM in the Fireside Room and Religious Trauma Support group is next Wednesday night at 6:30. Connect with Christie if you have any questions about these two groups.
Reminder about Joys and Concerns on papers that you can place in the offering basket during advent. You can also submit a joy or concern through our website using this link: https://www.englewoodchristianchurch.com/joyconcern
Be sure to check out all of our upcoming events by using the button below: