2-9-25 Announcements
I am out of town this week for a funeral, so I scheduled this message to go out Sunday afternoon before I left for Missouri.
Normally, I include the direct link to our service- but since I am scheduling this email in advance, I cannot do that this week. If you were not able to be present in person today then you can go to our Facebook Page or our YouTube Channel to view today’s service. If you have trouble finding it, please let me know and I can send you a direct link when I return in a few days.
Here are the announcements that were shared today.
Sadly, we will not be able to gather for a Superbowl party this afternoon this afternoon, but feel free to cheer on the Chiefs with me this afternoon.
Also, because I am out of town today, we are moving our Baptism class to next Sunday 2/16. We will meet right after the service in the library.
There is an insert in your bulletin this week about two upcoming events. Click here to view the insert.
One side is about Coffee and Questions which Christie hosts every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month in the fireside room at 6:30 PM. Christie will be back for this week’s discussion on Wednesday. You can learn more about this regular event at Englewood by clicking here.
The other side is about this month’s learning event that we are hosting as part of our Wide Welcome Initiative. Next Sunday at 1 PM we are hosting a pronoun panel to come and listen and learn about what pronouns are and how we can use them. There is no card in your bulletin but if you have a question for that panel or you want to start a conversation with Christie about this topic, please use the connect cards and drop them in the basket during communion.
Our new contact cards that we use to share Joys and Concerns in the service are also available on our website. You can click here to fill one out and communicate with our staff and let us know how we can support you and pray for you.
As we all know, immigration has been a huge topic in our headlines over the last few weeks and there have been numerous policy changes that could impact many of our neighbors. I will be hosting a conversation for us at Englewood that want to talk about ways that we as individuals and we as a faith community can be involved in this work. That meeting will be this coming Wednesday at 11:30 AM. If you are interested in being part of that conversation but cannot make that meeting time, please let me know and I will make sure you are included in future plans and discussions.
Also, I am working with the Yakima Immigration Response Network and helping to coordinate our community response from faith leaders and faith communities around this critical area of supporting those impacted by changing immigration policy. So Englewood will be hosting a community leaders workday next Saturday 4/15 from 1-3 PM. We expect more than 100 community leaders to be here that day and would like to provide refreshments for them. There is a sign up sheet if you would like to help bring cookies, a fruit plate, or ground coffee for that event.
Finally, There are sign ups on the Welcome Desk to help with this month’s meal for Camp Hope. If you were not able to be at church to sign up and would like to participate, please email eccoffice@englewoodchristianchurch.com or call the church office at 509-966-6550.