1/19/25 Announcements
It was a full day at Englewood today! We honored the life, teachings, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Today as we centered his words and worked to apply them in the context of a letter to the modern-day church. A special, huge thank you to those who were willing to read the selections from Dr. King’s Letters from a Birmingham Jail today in service.
If you were not able to join us in person or online for our live stream today, you can watch the recordings of today’s service either on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel.
Today was our first day to use our new Communion practices and it went smoothly. If you have not had a chance to hear about the subtle changes that we have made to our weekly practice of communion you can watch this short video clip from our service last week when we announced them last week.
After service today, we held a showing of 1946 in the Fellowship Hall. We had some great discussion after the film! We will be showing this film a second time on Wednesday, January 29th at 6:30 PM in the Fireside Room. You RSVP to this showing with this Facebook event.
A large group of us are meeting to march in the MLK March tomorrow. We will be meeting at 11:20 in the Safeway Parking lot on 5th Ave. The march starts at noon from 5th and MLK Blvd but everyone is lining up at 11:30. If you would like to join us, feel free to email me your cell phone number and I can add you to our text group as we coordinate our meeting tomorrow.
Next week is the final Sunday of the month (1/26). We will be collecting food for the Rotary Food Bank. If you are able, please consider bring a non-perishable food item to church to donate to our neighbors in need.
Also, next week (1-26) After Church we have two events:
A congregational Meeting immediately after service with one item to vote on- our budget. This meeting should not take more than 10 minutes for us to complete together.
Christie will be holding an information session in the Library for anyone that is interested in learning about baptism.
Last week, we introduced our new proposed Englewood Welcome Statement. I asked you to sit with the statement for a week and underline any concerns or questions that you might have about the wording or the welcome that are wanting to make here. I promised that if you have questions and would like to meet to grab coffee and talk through them that I would share a link to my calendar in this week’s follow up email. Please click here if you would like to book a time for us to talk about our Wide Welcome Initiative and welcome statement.
Finally, this morning during our service, I mentioned that in my email today I would be sharing a short essay from John Lewis as a reflection about the importance of marching, advocating, and continuing to work for change. The images to read this essay are below: